In Marketing, It’s Often the Simple Things …

Trust me : In marketing, it’s often the simple things that work best.

I remember reading somewhere that marketing is 90% sweat and 10% inspiration. Most “marketing gurus” wouldn’t like to admit that, of course, often preferring to accentuate the inspirational side of things. And don’t get me wrong, there’s most definitely a need for that good stuff also.

in marketing it's often the simple things

But let’s look at some examples of the less sexy side of marketing – the side that will very often bring you more benefit at lower cost.

Existing Contacts

Do you have a ton of contact details? If so, when’s the last time you sent them some info on new products, new services, upcoming events, aspects of your business they may not be aware of? Subject to the requirements of GDPR, get on the text, email or blower to these people. They carry huge potential for you.

BTW, one thing we’re looking out for here is the person who says “I didn’t know you did that.” Ouch!

I’m telling you – In marketing, it’s often the simple things, the low-hanging fruit.

Ongoing Revenue Streams

My wife told me the other day of a company that sells such-and-such a product, but who also sells annual checks when the customer makes the item purchase. In this way, they generate ongoing annual income from a product sale, while the customer gains peace-of-mind. Simple. Contrast this with a company I once dealt with for a gas boiler, but which wasn’t involved in providing annual servicing at all. Strange!

Repeat Ordering

There once was a company that provided a service that people either did or didn’t purchase. Discretionary spend, you might fancily term it. But this particular guy not only provided that annual service, but pro-actively booked his clients in for their next service one year later. “Now Mary, I have you down for this day next year. See you then!” And he handed them a card with the date and time on it, for their kitchen notice board. In this way, he lost hardly any customers to forgetfulness or drift. Again, simple.

Email + Phone Call + Visit

Folks, an email will rarely get you a sale. But it can provide a legitimate basis on which to make a follow-up phone call. “Hi Paul, what did you think of the offer in my email I sent yerterday?” When you make the call, get yourself a meeting, then hang up. What you really want is to be sat in front of a potential client (depending on your industry, of course).

Want to know more about easy steps to take to grow you business? Read this article about the importance of following up.

Updated Sept 2021


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