Mentoring is about having an outsider come visit your business, social enterprise or community organisation, discuss strategy and potential ways of reaching your goals, make suggestions and then help you work through agreed actions.
But watch out !

Mentoring is definitely not about getting in some outsider to do the work for you.
Mentoring is about learning to do, receiving the little push you’ve been needing and, often, hearing the things you’ve not wanted to tell yourself. Then it’s about doing, changing, improving, pushing.
Typical themes :
- Marketing strategy
- Marketing research
- Target marketing
- Communications, including social media
- How to take advantage of free AI tools to help with your marketing ideas and content
Genuine commitment to the mentoring process from the client is an absolute, non-negotiable requirement. Mutual respect is a cornerstone of any successful relationship.
And don’t forget !
The mentor will, one day, walk away when the process is finished and forward you a bill. It will always remain up to you to make a success of your business or community project.
So, give me a call if you’d like to commit to some mentoring – it might be just three sessions (minimum) or you might like to meet regularly over a longer period. Whichever the case, when I leave, you should be clear on your strategy and be undertaking pro-active marketing that is focussed on delivering an improvement in your situation.
Get in Touch for Marketing Mentoring West of Ireland
Give me a call on 086-8318748, or email
What marketing mentoring West of Ireland is all about is having somebody come in, listen to what you’ve been doing and what your plans and goals are, then contributing ideas, nudging you into action and making suggestions, but NOT carrying out the work for you.
It’s very important to appreciate this subtlety, as it will lead to a more mutually beneficial experience. The work remains yours to do, while the mentor is a soundboard for bouncing ideas and concepts off, discussing target markets, branding, The Four Ps, what to do next, where to go, what to leave behind, direction, strategy, etc.
Actually, it’s Training you were Looking for?
No worries, read this page instead.