Forgive me, for it’s been 9 long months since my last post…
2020 was a strange year – one obviously dominated by a dreadful pandemic, yet one where I was crazily busy.
2021 has begun the same.
I guess this Covid craic will end eventually, but where will it leave us?
From a purely business point of view, we all really need to look at our model and see how we can ensure a viable future, where such ‘disruption’ might well re-occur sooner rather than later.
Clearly, that means optimising our delivery method, whether we are a service or product business.
For my part, I’ve now held over 550 meetings and/or training workshops online via Zoom.
I’ve helped more and more service providers investigate the likes of Teachable and Thinkific, as platforms to change their modus operandi.
By the way, remember that, even if you go global, via online teaching tools such as these, you’re still most likely to attract clients from Ireland and the UK. Stay relatively ‘local’ with your marketing concentration.
But, with Brexit running parallel to this mess, you also need to be seriously re-evaluating any supply chains you have running across the neighbouring island. It’s fantastic to see the shipping companies so rapidly responding to the landbridge mess by providing ever more direct routes from Ireland to the Continent, like this one from Rosslare to Dunkerque.
If you’re still importing virtually all your materials from the UK, then sit down and start investigating alternatives – the most manageable of which may well be The Netherlands. They’re great business people and, crucially, speak great English too.
Onwards with 2021 and the very best to you and your business.
Months since my last blogpost
By the way, if it’s admittedly been months since my last blogpost, here’s what I want to know.
What marketing actions have you been taking over the last while? Although motivation can be a challenge in these times, you do need to keep working on your marketing. For my part, I’ve put up more videos than ever before.
En avant!
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